Saturday, December 28, 2019

The Pregnancy Of A Bacteria Called Group Beta...

Modern day science has allowed us to make pregnancy and childbirth safer and more predictable than ever. However, we are not invincible to the many organisms that share our world and they can pose some serious risks for both the mother and the infant during this critical period in life. One such risk that many mothers don’t think about is the potential colonization of a bacteria called Group Beta Streptococcus (GBS) in their body during pregnancy, specifically around the time of birth. Lab testing and antibiotic prophylaxis can be thought of as risk-management and has proven to be effective at reducing GBS infection rates in infants born through the vaginal canal of mothers who are GBS carriers. Group Beta Streptococcus (GBS) is a bacteria that is found in the vagina and rectum of 10-30% of all women. This bacteria comes and goes as it is normal flora for women, similar to yeast. Although most are asymptomatic, some may experience urinary tract infections while the bacteria is present in their body. Although GBS does not present much of a problem to the carrier, this specific bacteria can cause much harm to a newborn who passes through the vaginal canal during birth (ACOG, 2011). Pregnant women can take advantage of modern day screening procedures that look for the presence of GBS in late pregnancy to determine if antibiotic prophylaxis is warranted. It is approximated that 50% of all newborns will colonize GBS on their skin during a vaginal birth. However, colonization

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Impact Of Terrorism On African Progress - 2058 Words

Introduction: Africa faces many problems which boycott its transition from predominantly the frontier market to the emerging market sector. This essay will discuss the impact that terrorism and militancy have had on African progress, and, outline the successes and failures of the approaches that have been taken to combat this. Terrorism is still without a concrete definition however the UN Security Council uses â€Å"Criminal acts intended or calculated to provoke a state of terror in the general public† (United Nations, 2015) as way to condemn terrorist acts. For the purpose of this essay we will use regional examples from Nigeria and Somalia to show a variety of situations rather than consider African terrorism as a whole. Additionally we†¦show more content†¦This Act prohibits the financing of terrorism and the act itself along with placing obligation on financial institutions to report suspicious spending. Since then the country’s criminal justice systems have been stren gthened along with numerous arrests having been made (Onuoha etal, 2011). Nigeria’s cooperation in Global affairs has also increased including collaborating with the U.S. in anti-terrorism exercises (U.S Department of State, 2013). The country has also made significant progress in regulating the financing of terrorism. A significant mile stone was crossed when Nigeria was taken off of the FATF’s list of countries subject to monitoring for money laundering and terrorist financing (U.S Department of State, 2013). These advances have had a positive effect on the stability of the country however there are many inadequacies that led some to refer to the act as a â€Å"Toothless Bulldog† (Toyin, 2012). Major criticisms include the Act does not issue the protection of fundamental human rights to the terrorists in question (Onuoha etal, 2011). This is regressive at best in terms of human progress. As told by Dakas, C. 2012. p.1 â€Å"The temptation for governments and parliaments in countries suffering from terrorist action is to fight fire with fire†. He then continues â€Å"For a State to react in such a way would be to fall into the trap set by

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Data Analysis And Modeling Report Case Study Of Employed People

Question: Discuss about the Data Analysis And Modeling Report Case Study Of Employed People. Answer: Introduction The study adopted a descriptive cross-sectional survey research design. The data was collected from sample of employed neighbors and friends. The survey was conducted with aim of utilizing data for practical purpose in data analysis and modeling. The method of data collection was questionnaires administered to them to fill some questions. I used simple random sampling to selects a sample of thirty respondents who had each chance of being selected in sample. The data was then entered and cleaned using Excel version 2007 software. The data has seven variables, age of respondent in years, gender of respondent where 1 represent male and 2 female, the number of degrees one have as measure of education level, hours the respondent used in work in a year, salary one get per year, number of kinds the respondent have and marital status( 1 represent married and 0 unmarried). The sample represents a population of employed persons in the area. Who have formal education and are below 35 years. Age of respondent, number of degrees, wages and hours of working hours are numerical data while gender of respondent is categorical data. Data analysis methodology Descriptive and inferential data analysis was used to analyze the data on Excel 2007 software. The descriptive statistics include mean, standard deviation, histograms. While Chi-square tests association is used to test significance. Chi-square provides a method for testing the association between the row and column in two way table. Chi-square statistics= Where the chi-square statistics have chi-square distribution with (r-1)(c-1) degrees of freedom. Where r represents number of rows and c represent numbers of columns in the table. Scatter diagram were used to check linear relations of various variables. The report will cover the following histogram of number of hours worked and wages to check their distribution. Scatter plot of working hours and gender to check any association or causal between the two variables. The relationship between wages and working hours is tested using regression analysis. Linear regression model where y is wages earned and x is number of working hours per year. Correlation Coefficient is given by (r) = {n x y ?x y [nx2 ? (x)^2 ][ny2 ? (y)^2] } Analysis and Report The average age of respondents is 28.66667 years with standard deviation of 1.24106, the mean wage of the respondents per year is 51200.87 with mean working hours per year of 2996.1, average number of degrees one have is 2 and on average each respondent has one kid. This are measures of central location of the data distributions. The data is skewed to the right with majority of respondents working below 5000 hours per year. The distribution is not normal and has one outlier working above 20000 hours per year. This affect mean as measure of location and give a false picture of the data. Majority of workers follow on wage bracket below 100000 dollars per year regardless of working hours and the level of education one, has few of employees earn above 100000 dollars which are extreme values of data. There is no relationship between genders and working hours, gender do not affect number of hours one work to earn wages. The two variables are independent of each other. The correction between gender and working hours is zero. This means when one decrease or increase the other is not affected by changes occurring to the other variables. Chi-square tests of association between gender and marital status Chi-square provides a method for testing the association between the row and column in two way table. It is measure of association between two categorical data such gender and marital status in the study. Chi-square statistics= Where the chi-square statistics have chi-square distribution with (r-1)(c-1) degrees of freedom. Where r represents number of rows and c represent numbers of columns in the table. The null hypothesis is there is no association between gender and marital status. Against alternative there exist association between gender and marital status. The level of significance is 5% for the test statistics. Gender/ Marital status Married (observed) Expected Not married(observed) expected Total Male 11 12 9 8 20 Female 7 6 3 4 10 Total 18 12 30 Chi square test 0.429195 with 2 degrees of freedom, p (0.429195) = 0.806866 which is greater than level of significance 0.05 this means we fail to reject null hypothesis and conclude that there is no association between gender and marital status. Gender or being male or female does not affect the marital status of the respondent. Marital status is independent of gender. The result are insignificance, the difference between the expected and observed values under null hypothesis is negligible. Thus chi-square test fails to associate gender and marital status. It implies that the choice of getting married or not is being influenced by other factors not gender. Analysis of one relationship between gender and working hours Bar graph of working hours means of males and females. Majority of female employees works 2000 hours and below per year while men work for more than 4000 hours per year. The data portrays large significance differences between mean working hours of female and male. On average male spend more hours working per year as compared to females. The average male working hours is 3485.9 while female is 2016.5 with mean differences of over 1000 working hours. Working hours is associated with gender with female working fewer hours compared to males this may be affected by marital privilege or other commitments. The mean working hours is higher in females as compared to males, thus gender affect working hours. Relationship between wages and number of working hours The first step in studying the relationship between two continuous variables is to draw a scatter plot of the variables to check for linearity. We plot scatter plot with x axis being working hours and dependent variable wages. Majority of employees work between 2000 hours and 3000 hours earning below $100000 and few work above 6000 hours though the wages is not increasing above $100000. There is no linear relationship between number one spend working per year and the amount of wages one earn. Some works less than 2000 hours in year and they earn more than 100000 dollars, while others work more than 6000 hours per year and earn less than 100000 dollars a year. Increase in working hours does no increase wage one earns and decrease in working hours does not result to a decrease in wage one earns. The two variables are not correlated with each other. The data is highly skewed to the right hand side with many extreme values. These outliers affect the average giving false picture of data. They also affect the correlation and should be check if they are real data or errors. The Pearson moment product correlation coefficient measures the strength of association between independent and dependent variable. The Pearson moment product correlation coefficient is 0.299 which measure strength of linear association between wage earned and number of working hours in a year. The correlation coefficient is close to zero. It indicates weak linear association between working hours and wages. Regression analysisis a statistical process for estimating the relationships among variables. It includes many techniques for modeling and analyzing several variables, when the focus is on the relationship between adependent variableand one or moreindependent variables. Regression analysis helps to exclude those values that do no have significance importance in the predicting dependent variable. Running a linear regression model Where y is wages earned and x is number of working hours per year. SUMMARY OUTPUT Regression Statistics Multiple R 0.093646 R Square 0.00877 Adjusted R Square -0.02794 Standard Error 34028.03 Observations 29 ANOVA Df SS MS F Significance F Regression 1 2.77E+08 2.77E+08 0.238872 0.628968 Residual 27 3.13E+10 1.16E+09 Total 28 3.15E+10 Coefficients Standard Error t Stat P-value Lower 95% Upper 95% Lower 95.0% Upper 95.0% Intercept 42710.94 12411.24 3.441311 0.001899 17245.18 68176.71 17245.18 68176.71 7780 1.844106 3.77314 0.488746 0.628968 -5.89774 9.585949 -5.89774 9.585949 R Squared is 0.093 which means working hours only explain 9% change of respondent wages and the model is not a good fit. R Squared is 0.093 means that when predicting a persons total income, we will make 9% fewer errors by basing the predictions on the persons hours of work and predicting from the regression line, as opposed to ignoring this variable and predicting the mean of income for every case. Hours of work(X) explain 9% of the variation in income(Y) among city employees. A slope of 1.844106 means that 1-hour increase in an employees amount of working hours result to an average increase in annual income of $ 1.844106. A y-intercept of 42710.94 suggests that the expected income for a person with 0 hours of work should be $ 42710.94. Moreover, from the data t= 0.488746 and p-value= 0.628968, we can conclude that the slope for hours of work is not significantly different from zero at p is greater than 0.05. Conclusions Descriptive and inferential data analysis was used to analyze the data on Excel 2007 software, the following were obtained. The average age of respondents is 28.66667 years with standard deviation of 1.24106, the mean wage of the respondents per year is 51200.87 with mean working hours per year of 2996.1, average number of degrees one have is 2 and on average each respondent has one kid. Gender or being male or female does not affect the marital status of the respondent. Marital status is independent of gender. There is no association between number one spend working per year and the amount of wages one earn. Increase in working hours does no increase wage one earns and decrease in working hours does not result to a decrease in wage one earns. The Pearson moment product correlation coefficient is 0.299 which measure strength of linear association between wage earned and number of working hours in a year. The correlation coefficient is close to zero. It indicates weak linear associati on between working hours and wages. The chi-square of association between gender and marital status produced results as follow. That gender or being male or female does not affect the marital status of the respondent. Marital status is independent of gender. The result are insignificance, the difference between the expected and observed values under null hypothesis is negligible. References Browne, C., Battista D., Geiger T., Gutknecht T. ( 2014). The Executive Opinion the Voice of the Business Community, in the Global Competitiveness. World Economic Forum, 2014, pp. 8596. Whitley E, Ball J. (2002). Statistics review 1: Presenting and summarizing data.Crit Care. Beth L. Chance, Allan J. Rossman. 2006. Mathematics. Park, H., Russell, C. Lee, J. 2007, "National culture and environmental sustainability: A cross-national analysis", Journal of Economics and Finance, vol. 31, no. 1, pp. 104-121. Venkat N., Vijav V., Venu G. and Rao R. (2016). Handbook of Statistics. Retrieved from: Joseph L. Gastwirth,Methods for Assessing the Sensitivity of Statistical Comparisons Used in Title VII Cases to Omitted Variables,33 Jurimetrics J. 19 (1992). Fisher R.A. 1925. Methods For Research Work; Macmillan Publishers: London.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Medical Biochemistry for Embryo and Starchy -

Question: Discuss about theMedical Biochemistry for Embryo and Starchy. Answer: Introduction A wheat kernel has three main sections- embryo, starchy endosperm and protective layer. For a plant to carry out germination, many cells and cellular materials reproduce from the original embryo. Acid phosphate is a major enzyme produced for the initial stage of germination. This enzyme is responsible for breaking down phosphate esters and releasing the phosphate for necessary metabolic activities. In this experiment acid phosphate is to be extracted from wheat germ and its enzymatic activity is to be determined. The results would be then compared with the standard graphs produced in experiment 3A and the amount of acid phosphate would be determined. Materials Chemicals/ biological ingredients Hazard safety check Wheat germs Raw wheat germ is to be stored sealed in a vaccum storage container to avoid heat, humidity and exposure to air 50 mM Sodium Acetate Buffer (NaOAc) solution Protective clothing and gloves are to be worn while handing it. Avoid breathing it and store away from moisture p-nitrophenol phosphate (PNPP) stock solution (1 mg/mL) Handle in accordance with good industrial hygiene and safety practice. Personal protective equipment might be used Deionised H2O (dH2O) Good hygiene procedures are to be followed and splashing and spraying are to be avoided 1M NaOH Container to be kept dry and water is not to be added to the solution. Avoid contact with skin (Keith, 2016) Instruments Conical centrifugation tube Disposal of used tubes is necessary for avoiding contamination from used subtances Microcentrifuge tube Avoid spillage of used substances. Disposal of used tubes is necessary for avoiding contamination High velocity centrifuge (max speed of 13,000 rpm) After centrifugation is carried out it is necessary to take the rotor to a biosafety cabinet prior to removal of the lids. If there is a leak in the centrifuge appropriate steps are to be taken Microplate reader Repeated exposure to be avoided and protective equipments to be used. Container to be placed in dry, well-ventilated place Benchtop vortex Avoid contact with surface, ground water or soild. Contact wtith skin is to be avoided and adequate ventilation is to be maintained Materials Chemicals/ biological ingredients Hazard safety check Bradford reagent Store in tightly closed container at 2-8C. Bovine serum albumin (BSA) stock solution (1mg/mL) To be used in well ventilated areas and personal protective equipment to be worn Instruments 1 mL Cuvettes To be used dry and spillage to be avoided Spectrophotometer All operations are to be performed uing gloves and safety goggles. The instrument is to be used in a clean environment away from other instruments that cause vibration. Mechanical compoenents are to be maintained in good condition (Scopes, 2013). Introduction It is crucial to determine the molecular and physical properties of a protein in biochemistry for understanding the unique characteristics and all possible downstream application. Electrophoresis is a commonly used method in biochemistry for separating protein and nucleic acid. One significant method for purifying proteins is using polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE). The widely used method, called protein denaturation, applies sodium dodecyl sulphate for stripping down the protein into linear amino acid sequence for producing better migration pattern in the gel. This is termed as SDS-PAGE process. From previous In this experiment the proteins within the extract would be separated through SDS-PAGE method for determining the different forms of protein present within the wheat germ extract. Materials Chemicals/ biological ingredients Hazard safety check 10% Resolving gel Proper personal protective equipment to be used while handling the agent Stacking gel Proper personal protective equipment to be used while handling the agent Stock loading buffer solution (5x and 2x) Proper personal protective equipment to be used while handling the agent Electrophoresis tank buffer Proper personal protective equipment to be used while handling the agent (Keith et al., 2005) Coomassie Staining Solution Proper personal protective equipment to be used while handling the agent for avoiding unnecessary staining Pure acid phosphatase enzyme (1 mg/mL) Repeated exposure to be avoided and spills to be avoided Wheat germs Raw wheat germ is to be stored sealed in a vaccum storage container to avoid heat, humidity and exposure to air 50mM Sodium Acetate Buffer (NaOAc) stock solution Protective clothing and gloves are to be worn while handing it. Avoid breathing it and store away from moisture (Hegyi et al., 2013) Instruments Electrophoresis apparatus Equipment and bench tops to be decontaminated using soap and water. Disposal of all contaminated disposables necessary Gel loading tips After loading of gel the tips are to be discarded away for avoiding contamination Weight boats To be kept away from high heat 100 C heating block After usage of the block rapid and sufficient collign of the block is necessary High velocity centrifuge (max speed of 13,000 rpm) After centrifugation is carried out it is necessary to take the rotor to a biosafety cabinet prior to removal of the lids. If there is a leak in the centrifuge appropriate steps are to be taken Microcentrifuge tubes Avoid spillage of used substances. Disposal of used tubes is necessary for avoiding contamination (Chawla, 2014) References Chawla, R. (2014).Practical clinical biochemistry: methods and interpretations. JP Medical Ltd. Hegyi, G., Kardos, J., Kovcs, M., Mlnsi-Csizmadia, A., Nyitray, L., Pl, G., ... Venekei, I. (2013). Introduction to Practical Biochemistry.ELTE Faculty of Natural Sciences, Institute of Biology. Keith (Ed.) Wilson, John (Ed.) Walker. (2005).Practical Biochemistry: Principles And Techniques. Cambridge University Press. Keith, W. (2017). A biologist's guide to principles and techniques of practical biochemistry. Scopes, R. K. (2013).Protein purification: principles and practice. Springer Science Business Media.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

New Trends In High-Tech Recruiting Essays - Employment,

New Trends In High-Tech Recruiting There is a new trend developing in the recruiting of high-tech employees. Due to the competitive nature of the business, companies are looking for new ways to recruit individuals that not only have the business and technical knowledge required to perform a specific job, but they are also looking for candidates that fit well into the corporate culture of the organization. Tech Planet is one such high-tech firm that is using this new approach to recruiting. Instead of the normal first round job interview, applicants at Tech Planet sit down to an informal meal with employees. The goal is to socialize with the employees to determine whether the applicants belong in the organization. After the initial meal, employees vote on which candidates will be invited back for the next round. During the second phase, job applicants are asked to?bring an essay explaining how they feel about working with small businesses and how they envision their next job - plus an inanimate object that best describes them. Objects brought by potential candidates in the past have included Silly Putty, soccer balls, hair gel, and pictures of family pets. Several other companies, including executive recruiters, are transitioning from a traditional approach to this new unorthodox method of screening applicants. At some firms, candidates are asked to play touch football or Yahtzee with other employees. The belief is that these activities can demonstrate an individual's ability to work in a team setting and how they will get along with colleagues. Though this appears to be a new trend in the world of recruiting, some employment experts question the value of this new approach. They feel that companies may overlook the most highly skilled applicants in search of people who are just fun. Another trend in the high-tech business world is the scarcity of information technology employees. Recruiters are facing new challenges in filling open positions within both technology and non-technology firms alike. Typically, the high-tech firms, new start-ups with hopes of going public, are having an easier time filling their IT positions as they focus on higher wages, bonus compensation, and stock options. Conversely, non-technology companies with IT needs are finding it difficult to entice qualified candidates to fill their openings. They just can't offer the perks that other technology companies are offering and are losing potential candidates as a result. Today's generation is motivated more by instant gratification and high incomes than benefits packages including medical and dental insurance. In my experience as a manager, I have found it difficult at times to find the best candidates for positions for which I'm recruiting. Though there may be several applicants who possess the necessary technical and business knowledge to perform the tasks, there is a level of uncertainty regarding their ability to work within the culture of the organization. Formal interviews are beneficial in determining some behavioral tendencies, but it is still difficult to determine how individuals will work with others in the organization if hired. If we were to implement a new approach similar to the one depicted in the article, we might be better able to foresee how the candidates will work within their teams, with their co-workers, and with their managers. The interaction could also help uncover any negative tendencies that may be present that might not normally surface until the candidate has been hired into the organization. I agree with the employment experts that organizations may wind up hiring people who are just fun, but that's a risk that may be worth taking. Business and technical knowledge can be learned by most individuals that have a minimum set of skills, but personality and behavioral skills are much more difficult to alter. Personal skills are not typically learned through any coursework or training that individuals may attend but through life experiences, though these may include training of some kind. I would prefer hiring candidates who I felt reasonably confident would fit into the organization and could learn the required business and technical skills rather than hiring individuals who already had the business and technical knowledge but would not have the ability to fit in the organization. In addition, I feel that companies should do more market research to determine what types of

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Guncontrol essays

Guncontrol essays In general, guns have been a major problem for years upon years. The threat of guns in cities and towns is astonishing. Many people in the United States are fighting to ban guns everywhere, others think they should have the right to own a gun with no questions asked. Considering the amount of handgun deaths, many people ask the question Are guns killing people or are people killing people? Many people are in the fight to gain stricter laws on guns, Yet just as many are opposed to the idea of stricter laws. Guns started to become an issue in the late 1970s and early 1980s. In 1977 guns were the weapons used in approximately 70% of the murders in the United States.(Encarta Online) 60% of all murder victims in the United States (about 12,000) were killed by firearms, and 70,000 were injured. During the early 1980s Hip Hop and Rap became popular. This increased the number of gun conflicts greatly because of the image of a rapper.(Dennis, Debate) Heavily populated cities had an increasing amount of gangs during this time.(Dennis, Debate) The gangs would sell drugs and use guns to back them up if a deal went bad.(Dennis, Debate) Guns were easily accessed due to the heavy gang activity.(Dennis, Debate) People were being shot everyday as a result in these gangs. Many people were trying to fight the spread of guns and get a stricter law on accessibility to guns. People who want gun control have a very hard time convincing government officials to do something about it. The Republican controlled Congress has doubts because of what the Second Amendment said about guns. Handgun Control Inc. (HCI) said, The Second Amendment poses no threat to the laws affecting the private possession of firearms, and this may well be the most settled proposition in constitutional law.(Dennis, Debate) HCI also wrote a letter...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

How Does Communication Differ in Helping Relationships Essay

How Does Communication Differ in Helping Relationships - Essay Example This research will begin with the statement that man is a social animal. With time, the definition of social life has changed to the extent that technology has taken over the minds and thinking of men and women whom we see around us. Every person in the urban society is addicted to web-based social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter, through which he can easily find new friends and social contacts who share common interests. Counseling is a society friendly word that is being used extensively these days. However, with different counseling and communication methodologies around, it can be tough to define their best applications. In fact, there are suitable methodologies which refute the traditional or conventional approach to setting things straight within the human mind. Trying new approaches will only help prune up the existing methodologies. Treating an alcoholic or a drug addict is strikingly different from psychological treatment meted out to suppressed teenagers with boy friend or family issues. If knowledge has to form the basis of all the counseling methodologies developed till now, then with our study of specific cases of depression and underperformance, we try to develop a new set of easy methodologies that can be applied to all cases of depression and counseling. It does not take much effort to make a man or woman smile, take control of the problems he or she is facing and install the conviction that the outcome is going to be all positive. This is precisely what psychological counselors need to do on a daily basis.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

What Most Influenced You To apply To George Washington University Essay

What Most Influenced You To apply To George Washington University - Essay Example shington University and the only possible knowledge and information that I have received about the business degree and the alma mater is through some friends and acquaintances. These friends have been studying at the George Washington University and thus their help and assistance is something that I am banking upon in a large manner. More than their advice and facilitation is the input that I have received from the school counselor who has gone out of his way at establishing a touch point between George Washington University and me and hence there do not seem to be any ambiguities related with the George Washington University as such. Their suggestions with regards to the George Washington University have only raised my confidence endlessly and have thus helped me to visualize my own personality within the realms of the university more than anything else. Furthermore I have never visited Washington DC but with the passage of time I have been visiting some states within United States of America which has given me the insight and understanding of the American culture, traditional values and norms. The reason as to why I want to pursue my educational career within USA is because I feel it is a new place that I have not visited as such and more so because USA has so much more to offer, not only to a student but also to a foreigner. It has so many opportunities available within it which only excites me as a student nonetheless. Another reason that can be accredited to the US region is that I have got a lot of friends over there and with them being on my side my educational journey would surely improve and be a blessed one at the same time. Another one of the significant aspects which comes under the US factor is that the George Washington University is a good and reputable institution, one on which I can bank my future upon and think of my life progressing along in a fine manner when I look back down the lane say about 10 years from today. As I would be away from my

Sunday, November 17, 2019

How Drones Challenge Our Political System Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

How Drones Challenge Our Political System - Essay Example The writer mainly focuses on the negative impact posed by the drones. He acknowledges that drones have been a significant improvement from the B52s that were earlier used. He provides an example whereby B52s were used in World War 2. This resulted in major civilian casualties. However, the American public did not raise a finger to this. The writer goes on to explain how the smart bombs came into play. He directs the reader to consider the fact that these bombs were purported to be highly accurate. This, however, was not the case. These bombs resulted in unavoidable â€Å"collateral damage†. He continues to give the example of the attempt on Saddam Hussein. The reader may be inclined to think that the writer is either against technology or the use of drones precisely. Drones are, as have been proved, more accurate than the B52s that were earlier used. Therefore, why is the writer so against them? The writer is not concerned with the technology or the drones themselves, he is co ncerned with the moral impact that its use posses. He paints a picture of the future whereby drones will be available even to the terrorists. In this article, Allen proposes that the use of the drone technology should be regulated. Otherwise, the repercussions in the future will be unfathomable. The use drones pose an ethical and moral dilemma. In order to make his point clear, Allen views the targeting of individuals as synonymous to assassination. He introduces a comic relief to the article by claiming that the infamous Borgia would have been pleased by the new and effective way of murdering people. (Allen 5). Aside from the moral aspect associated with drones, the writer raises the issue of drone regulation. The writer wishes the readers to understand that the government of US has not monopolized the technology used in drones. This technology is fast spreading to other countries (Allen 5). There is a great possibility that, with time, this technology may find its way in the hands of the terrorists. Compared to the conventional means used by terrorists currently, the use of drone technology will be a big boost to them. Any persons who are considered to be enemies of the terrorists will have a cause to worry. The writer reiterates that drones employ artificial intelligence. Thus, they can be used to adapt to situations that humans may find difficult. The size of the drones is also decreasing significantly (Allen 5). It is expected that in the future drones will be the size of insects, thus, allowing them to penetrate into areas that humans cannot penetrate stealthily. Finally, Allen concludes that drones, given their technological impact, undermine the US political system. He points out that private firms, may venture into the business of drone technology. This will make it even difficult to institute a ban on this technology. The article hopes to inform the public of the ramifications of the use of drone technology. The moral questions posed by the targeting of individuals and its regulation. The writer appeals to the readers to understand the political decay caused by potential profits in the use of drone

Friday, November 15, 2019

Understanding The Moral Viewpoint Philosophy Essay

Understanding The Moral Viewpoint Philosophy Essay What is the moral point of view, and why is it regarded as important? ¿Ã‚ ½ Defend or criticize the view that business people must operate from the moral point of view. The moral point of view as stated by Partridge, (2010) assumes that a morally mature individual possesses a cognitive capacity which just might be unique to our species: the capacity of each of us to recognize in others the personal qualities such as emotions, aspiration, values, and consciousness, that we immediately experience ourselves. Whereas Kurt Baier holds that one is taking the moral point of view if one is not being egoistic, one is doing things on principle, one is willing to universalize one principles, and in doing so one considers the good of everyone alike. (Gensler, Spurgin Swindal , 2004). Yet, Hume thought that the moral point of view was that of sympathy. (Gensler, Spurgin Swindal , 2004), When we take the moral point of view, we seek to adjudicate disputes rationally, we assume that other persons are neither more nor less important than ourselves, and we assume that our own claims will be considered alongside those of others in an impartial manner. These three components of the moral point of view are respectively concerned with rationality in the sense that it involves the application of reason rather than feeling or mere inclination, universalizability in the sense that the principles or propositions ascertained therefrom apply to all persons and to all relevantly similar circumstances, and impartiality in the sense that principles or propositions ascertained therefrom apply to persons irrespective of arbitrary considerations (Beauchamp, Bowie, Arnold, 2008). Thus in a collective sense, the moral point of view may be understood as the point of view of every person and could be defined as approaching a problem from the perspective of its being morally right or wrong, or morally excellent. The Moral Point of View has two key features: a commitment or willingness to seek out and act on reasons in that the best action is the one supported by the best reasons and a commitment to impartiality, of regarding the interests of everyone as equally worthy of consideration. A commitment to these two key features is justified by the fact that we are rational and communal beings; acting this way, therefore, best fits with who and what we are. The application of the moral point of view within business is one that is needed. According to Beauchamp, Bowie, and Arnold, (2008), a business organization that is solely guided by economic considerations is an amoral or unethical organization. An organization that operates under the pretense that what and how they do business does not impact or affect others is destined for a short and rocky history. An organization must understand they not only impact or interact with suppliers, employees, other business, but also those not directly involved with their operations, but those second or third removed, with association through the suppliers, through the employees, and through other business and the community. When a business is amoral or unethical, they present themselves as less of a competitor and will find their profit margin shrink, as they do their customer base. References Beauchamp, T. L., Bowie, N. E., and Arnold, D. G. (2008). Ethical Theory and Business (8th ed.). Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson Education, Inc. Gensler, H. J., Spurgin, E. W. and Swindal, J. (2004). Ethics: contemporary readings /. New York: Routledge Partridge, E., Ph.D (2010). Environmental Ethics and Public Policy [Website]. The Online Gadfly, Retrieved December 4, 2010, from Question 2 Provide an exposition of the stockholder view of the corporation as defended by Milton Friedman. ¿Ã‚ ½ What would Friedman likely say about the NYSEG Corporate responsibility program? ¿Ã‚ ½ Provide an exposition of the stakeholder view of the corporation as defended by R. Edward Freeman. ¿Ã‚ ½ What would Freeman likely say about the NYSEG Corporate responsibility program? ¿Ã‚ ½ With whom do you agree more? Answer The traditional or classical Stockholder View, the one presented by Milton Friedman, is that the corporation seeks to maximize profits in the interest of increasing the wealth of its owners, the shareholders (Beauchamp, Bowie, Arnold, 2008) in the simplest of terms ?to make money.? Managers are morally and legally obligated to serve as agents of the stockholders, and advance their interests regardless of how those decisions might affect the other stakeholders. The only group that has a moral claim on the corporation is the people who own shares of the stock. Regarding Friedman?s view on NYSEG Corporate Responsibility Program, Friedman would tow the hard line. Based on his theory, he would say it was good business to cut off services to those that are unable to pay, since it did not violate a law or regulation, and it was within the organizations right to do so. Sitting at the other end of the spectrum is the Stakeholder View, essentially a balanced accountability approach, presented by R. Edward Freeman. The corporation is obligated to seek balance in striving to serve justly the particular demands of each of its stakeholder groups (Beauchamp, Bowie, Arnold, 2008). The key is finding the correct balance of returns provided and contributions expected for each stakeholder group, including owners, management, employees, customers, suppliers, government, the community, and society as a whole. This involves trade-offs, while profit generation is one goal, this has to be balanced against other goals and sometimes profit may be sacrificed in order to help out other stakeholders. Managers are morally and legally obligated to serve as agents of all stakeholder groups, and try to advance all of these interests collectively, without favoring any one group. Many groups have a moral claim on the corporation that derives from the corporation potential t o harm or benefit them these groups would includes the owners, corporate managers, local community, customers, employees and suppliers Regarding Freeman?s view on NYSEG Corporate Responsibility Program, Freeman would support the program. Based on his theory, the customers are a stakeholder group that is worthy of consideration. Striving for the balance of profit, and support of those customers requiring assistance. With Freeman?s view, I find myself in total agreement, his view provides for a stable and balanced approach. In that developing a strong relationship with the customers, provides to a degree the possibility of profit gain to the shareholder, as well as providing a marketing prospect for new customers. References Beauchamp, T. L., Bowie, N. E., and Arnold, D. G. (2008). Ethical Theory and Business (8th ed.). Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson Education, Inc. Question 3 What are the main features of Kantian ethics? What are the main features of utilitarian ethics? ¿Ã‚ ½ Which view do you find most persuasive? Why? Answer Kantian ethics In Kantian ethics the main guiding principle is known as the categorical imperative also called Formula of Universal Law, or Formula of the Kingdom of Ends; what everyone, everywhere, ought to do. A key feature of the categorical imperative is its universal nature in framing goodness, but there may be exceptions, and only if they can be universalized (Beauchamp, Bowie, Arnold, 2008). Although Kantian ethics contain several main principles, the primary concept is the idea that certain principles are intrinsically moral, and that a moral person or society must observe these categorical imperatives in all situations. Moral rules should be based on the premise of reason and rational agents, not on human nature or conscience (Beauchamp, Bowie, Arnold, 2008). Intentions, motives, will of the person and actions-in-themselves are morally relevant and more important than consequences. When considering an action an individual must ask whether they can imagine their intentions for an action as a general rule for everyone. If a person does something out of a sense of duty to moral law, to make an informed, uncoerced decision, free of external authority, then his actions have moral value. Treating people with ?dignity? and respect is a moral consideration. Respect for the person, people are intrinsically valuable and should not be used or treated as a means to an end. People should be respected as ends in and of themselves. Utilitarian Theory According to Beauchamp, Bowie, and Arnold, (2008), John Stuart Mill argues that unconvincing and incompatible theories can be coherently unified by a single standard of beneficence that allows us to decide objectively what is right and wrong, developing Utilitarianism. The principle of utility, or the ?greatest happiness? principle, dictates that the given action or practice is right when compared with any alternative action or practice if it leads to the greatest possible balance of beneficial consequences or to the least possible balance of bad consequences. Mill also holds that the concepts of duty, obligation, and right are subordinated to, and determined by, that which maximizes benefits and minimizes harmful outcomes (Beauchamp, Bowie, Arnold, 2008). Utilitarianism is a moral principle that holds that the morally right course of action in any situation is the one that produces the greatest balance of benefits over harms for everyone affected. So long as a course of action produces maximum benefits for everyone, utilitarianism does not care whether the benefits are produced by lies, manipulation, or coercion. In evaluating the goodness of an action, utilitarianists look for the effect or consequence that the action may have, and whether or not the greatest happiness by all will be achieved. Utilitarianists do not necessarily view an action as having any intrinsic worth in and of itself. They do not require we know every possible consequence of an action, but that we take into account what can reasonably be anticipated to result from the action. Utilitarianism offers a relatively straightforward method for deciding the morally right course of action for any particular situation we may find ourselves in. To discover what we ought to do in any situation, we first identify the various courses of action that we could perform. Second, we determine all of the foreseeable benefits and harms that would result from each course of action for everyone affected by the action. And third, we choose the course of action that provides the greatest benefits after the costs have been taken into account. Which is more persuasive, Kantian or Utilitarian? Kants theory of imperatives, though quite rational, seems to be a utopian concept that cannot be fully realized in a complex society. Whereas Utilitarian calculation requires that we assign values to the benefits and harms resulting from our actions and compare them with the benefits and harms that might result from other actions; this in itself would be a tremendous undertaking. Kantian ethics focuses more on the actual action or motive and the morality of that action as opposed to utilitarianism, which focuses more on the morality of the consequence and, not of the action or motive. Kantian ethics state the treatment of everyone should be as an end in themselves and never exploit them as means, as opposed to utilitarianism, which states the treatment of people should be as means to improve everyone?s situation. Looking at Kantian and Utilitarian philosophies, the two appear as polar opposites. But in the end, they both seek a morally right and virtuous life. Each brings a different aspect to a given situation. The two theories are not all encompassing for every situation; it is in this that both are persuasive for a given event.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Comparing Coleridge and Wordsworths Views on Peoples Relationship to

Comparing Coleridge and Wordsworth's Views on People's Relationship to Nature Although Wordsworth and Coleridge are both romantic poets, they describe nature in different ways. Coleridge underlines the tragic, supernatural and sublime aspect of nature, while Wordsworth uses anecdotes of everyday life and underlines the serene aspect of nature. In order to imply a connection between nature and the human mind, Wordsworth uses the technique of identification and comparison whereas Coleridge does the opposite in 'The Ancient Mariner' and 'Kubla Khan'. Both admire nature's healing strength and hope that their children will grow up in a natural environment instead of growing up in cities. For Wordsworth nature seems to sympathise with the love and suffering of the persona. The landscape is seen as an interior presence rather than an external scene. His idea is that emotions are reflected in the tranquillity of nature. On the contrary, Coleridge says that poetry is clearly distinguished from nature. Reading the poems of both Wordsworth and Coleridge, one immediately notes a difference in the common surroundings presented by Wordsworth and the bizarre creations of Coleridge. Thus they develop their individual attitudes towards life. I will look at differences and similarities concerning people?s relationship to nature in poems by Coleridge and Wordsworth such as: ?The Ancient Mariner?, ?Kubla Khan?, ?The Nightingale,? ?Lucy?, ?Tintern Abbey,? ?There was a boy?, ? Old Beggar?, ?I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud? and "Frost at Midnight". In ?The Ancient Mariner,? Coleridge demonstrates how violating nature and her subjects brings doom to the infracted. In this poem, the poet emphasises the vengeful, dark side ... ...heir respective views on nature. Wordsworth illustrates man?s necessary bond to nature, one that was being destroyed by state men. Coleridge chooses to present nature as a natural law that one should not violate. Coleridge?s ?Ancient Mariner? poem makes me think of a painting by the romantic painter Turner. Especially of his painting of ? the slave ship? painted in 1840. This painting depicts a slave ship in the red sunset heading into a typhoon creating an anxious feeling. I think that Coleridge poem can be compared with Turner and his apocalyptic view of nature, and Wordsworth can be compared to Constable with his peaceful landscape of English countryside. Bibliography: Holmes, Richard. Coleridge: darker reflection: London: HarperCollins, 1998 Abrahms, M. H, eds. The Norton Anthology of English Literature, vol. 2, 7th edition. New York, 2000

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Mumtaz Mahal

Arjumand Banu Begum  (also called  Mumtaz Mahal) was the third  wife  of  Shah Jahan. Mumtaz Mahal (meaning ‘Jewel  of the  palace') was the  nickname  her husband gave to her. Mumtaz Mahal was born in  April  1593  in  Agra, India. Her father was the  Persian  noble  Abdul Hasan Asaf Khan, the brother of  Nur Jahan. Mumtaz was a  Muslim  and fell in love with and married her cousin,  Shah Jahan, later to be the Mughal emperor on  May 10,  1612  at the age of 19. She was his third wife, and became his favorite. Shah Jahan and Mumtaz Mahal were married for 19 years. They had thirteen children together. Seven of the children died at birth or at a very young age. Mumtaz travelled with Shah Jahan and his army as he carried out  military campaigns. Mumtaz Mahal supported Shah Jahan and they respected each other very much. Mumtaz Mahal died on  June 17,  1631  in Burhanpur in the Deccan (now in  Madhya Pradesh) during the birth of their fourteenth child, a daughter named Gauhara Begum. She had been with her husband as he was fighting a campaign in the Deccan Plateau. Her body was kept at Burhanpur in a walled pleasure garden known as Zainabad. A popular story says that on her deathbed, her last wish to the emperor was for a  symbol  or a  monument  to their love. She also asked her husband not to marry anyone else. The emperor promised immediately. Her body was buried in the  Taj Mahal  in Agra. After she died, Shah Jahan went into  mourning  for a year. When he appeared again, his hair had turned white, his back was bent, and his face worn. Jahan's eldest daughter, Jahanara Begum, slowly brought him out of mourning and took the place of Mumtaz at court.

Friday, November 8, 2019

International Adoption Agencies (U.S.) & Russian Government essays

International Adoption Agencies (U.S.) & Russian Government essays In addition to the children in the United States who need families, there are countless thousands of homeless children in countries scattered around the globe (Klibanoff 166). Consequently, private adoption agencies are expanding their adoption services by entering into the international arena. I will analyze why Russia is a lucrative market for expanding adoption services globally and identify the determinant factors adoption agencies will endure while conducting business globally. In doing so, I will conduct a country profile and examine how Russias political, economic, cultural, social, legal, medical, and geography systems affect international adoption agencies. Lastly, I will discuss how U.S. adoption agencies build alliances with the Russian Government to process international adoptions and examine marketing strategies that are used to implement an international adoption program. Adoptive Families explains the history of adoption. It states: The modern era of international adoption began after the Korean War, when Korean and Amerasian orphans were placed with families living in the United States. Since then, Americans have adopted many thousands of children from Africa, Asia, Eastern Europe, and Latin America. In 2001 alone, U.S. families adopted over 19,000 children from other countries. (41) Each year more American families include a child adopted from another part of the world and children adopted from Russia Federation by American citizens are steadily increasing. In Russia the family is the center of life, and children are the center of the family (Schomp 33). Unfortunately, most city families can only afford to have one child. Although, there is a collective responsibility for Russian children, which is exhibited through over protectiveness, Russian children are often abandoned by parents unable to care for them. Due to the downward economy in Russia, many families cannot par...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Essay Sample on Odyssey by Homer The Basis of Greek Culture

Essay Sample on Odyssey by Homer The Basis of Greek Culture When we talk about epic poems, no other piece of literature finds as spectacular a position in the Greek Culture as do The Iliad and The Odyssey. Being the author of both these classic works, Homer has influenced the ancient Greek civilization more profoundly than Shakespeare has influenced English literature. â€Å"These two epics provide the basis of Greek education and culture throughout the classical age and form the backbone of humane education down to the time of the Roman Empire and the spread of Christianity.† (Encyclopedia Britannica 2005). The Odyssey consists of twenty-four books, and is a sequel to the Iliad. The story of the Odyssey starts when Troy has been destroyed and the Trojan War has come to an end. It creates a new epic with the adventure story of the Greek hero Odysseus who is struggling to go back to his home after the Trojan War. His journey combines hopes and hopelessness, loyalty and disloyalty, hospitality, vengeance, intelligence, experience, and what it means to be mortals and to be gods. During his entire journey, the gods play an important role. Interestingly, sometimes some of the gods help him, and sometimes some of the gods, like Poseidon, who are not happy with him, create trouble for him. Thus, his journey becomes a matter of argument between the gods. In the absence of Odysseus, some thousand suitors have forcefully entered his palace in Ithaka, and are courting his wife Penelope. His son Telemakhos finds himself helpless. The goddess Athena comes for help in disguise and urges him to go in search of his father. (Trans. Robert Fitzgerald, Book I-IV). Meanwhile, she helps Odysseus to release him from the eight-years long prison in the island of a beautiful goddess, Kalypso. The sea god Poseidon, who is angry because Odysseus had once blinded his son Polyphemus, interrupts Odysseus’ voyage by bringing up a storm. Somehow, with the help of Athena he arrives at Phaiakians, and sweet talk their princess, Nausikaa, into helping him. He gets a warm hospitality there, and before leaving tells them the story of his adventures. (Trans. Robert Fitzgerald, Book V-VIII) In flashback, we come to know that how after the Trojan War, Odysseus and his men suffered during their way back to home, and how his voyage took him to all over the Greek world from one island to another. First, at the hands of Kikones on the island of the Lotos eaters. Then, at the hands of kyklops Polyphemus who ate up many of his men before Odysseus blinded him in order to escape from there. It was here that his personal war with the sea god Poseidon had started. Their next stop was an island of man-eaters monsters. Somehow, Odysseus again managed to escape with his men. On the next island, the goddess Kirke turned his men into pigs, but with the help of the god Hermes, Odysseus became Kirke’s lover, metamorphosed the pigs into men again, and stayed on that island for one year. Next, they landed at the island of Helios, where as per the prophecy of the blind seer Teiresias, all of them except Odysseus were drowned in the sea by a storm. Finally, Odysseus reached Kalypsoâ⠂¬â„¢s island. (Trans. Robert Fitzgerald, Book IX – XII) After telling the story of his adventure, Odysseus, finally, leaves Phaiakians and with Athena’s help arrives at Ithaka in the disguise of a beggar. Athena, then, helps Telemakhos to come back and avoiding the suitor’s ambush he reunites with his father. Odysseus, now, makes a plan to teach a lesson to the suitors. As per the plan he reveals his identity only to his son and his loyal swineherd Eumaios. (Trans. Robert Fitzgerald, Book XIII – XVI) In the same disguise of a beggar Odysseus reaches his palace and analyze the situation, while the suitors and some of his old but disloyal servants treat him badly. He finds that Penelope has been a faithful wife, while Penelope doubts him as she finds some resemblance between the beggar and his supposedly dead husband. She organizes a shooting competition for the suitors with his husband’s great bow. (Trans. Robert Fitzgerald, Book XVII – XX). Odysseus participates, and wins the contest. Then, in the climax, he kills the leader of the suitors, Antinoos, and finally reveals his identity to all following the massacre of the majority of the suitors. Odysseus reunites with his wife and son, and with them visits his father, Laertes. There, an army of the suitors, lead by Antinoos’ father attacks them. Laertes kills the leader. But, before the battle could proceed, gods interfere and order peace between the two sides. (Trans. Robert Fitzgerald, Book XXI – XIV).

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Materials and manufacture 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Materials and manufacture 2 - Essay Example ected to be hard; hardness is a property of a metal, which enables it to resist being permanently deformed, broken, or its shape being changed when a load is applied. Hardness of a mental is in direct relationship to its resistance, the greater the hardness of metal, the great the resistance to deformation (Nisbett, 2005). In order to establish the properties of materials under given conditions, they are normally subjected to various tests. The tensile strength of a material is a measure of how resistant the material is to failure under tension. The tensile test measures a material’s strength under tension. The testing involves applying a pulling force to a material from both sides until the material changes its shape or breaks. Metals, plastics, wood and ceramics are the common materials whose tensile strengths are measure. The recommended SI unit when testing tensile strength is either Pascal (Pa) or Newton per square meter, some engineers measure tensile strength in kilo-pound per square inch (KSI) (Davis, 2004). The impact strength of a material is the property of a material to resist failure under impulsive forces. The Charply impact test measures the energy absorbed by a standard notched specimen while breaking under an impact load (Lambert, Miriam and Susan, 2010). The test is being used as an economical quality control method so as to determine the notch sensitivity and impact toughness of engineering materials. The rotary strength of a material is the property of the material to resist failure under torsion. The Rotary fatigue test involves determining the relationship between the stress range and the number of times it can be applied before causing failure. In the process of determining rotary test of a material, testing machines are used for applying cyclically varying stresses and cover tension, compression, torsion and bending or a combination of these stresses (Mitchell and Jerina, 2007). Yet again, the carbon composition of a material impacts

Friday, November 1, 2019

Influence of reference groups on purchasing behaviour (personal Essay

Influence of reference groups on purchasing behaviour (personal examples with reference to academic literature) - Essay Example Even in this technology driven consumer world, the purchasing decisions can be greatly influenced by so many social factors like family, peers and the society in which the consumer is interacting. These entities which influence the purchasing behavior of a consumer is generally referred as ‘reference groups’ and this paper briefly analyses the influence of different reference groups in the purchasing of consumers in general and female consumers in particular. â€Å"A reference group is an actual or imaginary individual or group having significant similarities in their evaluations, aspirations, or behavior† (Park & Lessig, 1982, p.102) Family, peers and societies are some reference groups which can affect the purchasing behavior of a person. These reference groups can influence the consumer in different ways like informational influence, motivational influence, utilitarian influence and value-expressive influence. A consumer will get information about a product from family, peer group or from the society. For example, consider a child got information about a new toy or video game from his friends (peer group) or from different toy shops (society). Moreover the peer group can motivate the child to purchase that toy or video game by explaining the special features about that product. On the other hand when the child ask his parents (family) to purchase that toy or video game for him, the parents will discuss the utility of that toy w ith him initially. Moreover they will discuss the price (Value) of the product also before taking the final decision about whether to purchase it or not. â€Å"Parents, teachers, and peers are representative of normative referents who provide the individual with norms, attitudes, and values through direct interaction (Childers & Rao, 1992, p.199). Normative referents are the ones with we usually interact directly. The direct interaction will help us to

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Insurance Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Insurance Law - Essay Example In evaluating the extent of the risk, the insurer analyzes the breakdown of claims into different subsection; in many insurance firms, sex is a factor in the calculation of the premium. Legal bodies argue that insurance companies should not base their calculations in reference to the statistics. It is true and evident that the world’s statistics show that, male drivers, specifically young drivers experience more accidents per capita than female drivers. This means that female risk equivalent is less than that of male drivers; that is, in reference to the same area, same car, similar driving experience, and some knowledge of the environment. Below are statistical records in reference to males and accidents: In evaluating the extent of the risk, the insurer analyzes the breakdown of claims into different subsection; in many insurance firms, sex is a factor in the calculation of the premium. Legal bodies argue that insurance companies should not base their calculations in referen ce to the statistics. It is true and evident that the world’s statistics show that, male drivers, specifically young drivers experience more accidents per capita than female drivers. This means that female risk equivalent is less than that of male drivers; that is, in reference to the same area, same car, similar driving experience, and some knowledge of the environment. Below are statistical records in reference to males and accidents:1. Men are likely to perpetrators of fatal accidents 3 times higher than women.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Economic and Financial Committee Essay Example for Free

Economic and Financial Committee Essay This letter is to address the widening gap between the rich and poor in developing nations, and how globalization policies create a situation that lessens that gap. In many developing countries there is simply a poor class and a rich class. Developed nations are characterized by the presence of a middle class. The middle class bridges the gap between rich and poor, and when developing nations can create a fully functioning middle class within their societies, the contrasts between rich and poor seem to deplete. In a viewpoint essay edited by Debra Miller (2008) entitled â€Å"Globalization Promotes Democracy Both Directly and Indirectly† this concept is demonstrated. The premise of the article is that globalization efforts create an economic and entrepreneurial middle class who then demand and facilitate democratization in developing countries. As a matter of policy, economic reform, through globalization, should precede democratization. For example glasnost in Russia, or democracy and freedom before economic reform, proved to be unsuccessful. While in China economic reform before political change has proven to be an effective policy. The conclusions of Jagdish Bhagwati, Columbia University economics professor and U. N. advisor, demonstrate the process of bridging the economic and class gap. A small farmer in India used the internet to take his crops to both local and international markets. This tool of globalization gave him the freedom to control prices, as well as supply and demand. This increased economic independence and experience of personal control often translates into political aspirations that eventually lead to policies that bridge the economic gap in such countries. The internet is just one tool of globalization. As your committee examines the conditions and policies of other developing nations, it is imperative that you consider the process of globalization that leads to economic reform that leads to democracy. Policies and initiatives must focus on supplying developing nations with the tools of globalization, particularly access to international trade opportunities, that have a direct impact on the individual’s economic and financial situations. As these individuals transform into an economic middle class, they will take action in the social and political affairs in their nations that will, in turn, create a more democratic society that will provide better economic opportunities for all citizens. Reference Globalization Promotes Democracy Both Directly and Indirectly. (2007). In Debra Miller Current Controversies: Globalization(). Detroit: Greenhaven Press. 5 May 2008, Opposing Viewpoints Resource Center via Gale: http://find. galegroup. com/ips/start. do? prodId=IPS Respectfully Submitted,

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Slavery: A Building Block in the Foundation of Americas History Essay

Slavery was present preceding the European discovery of the Americas. It was limited to the conquered people of the indigenous nations and it was not widespread. This situation changed with the arrival of Europeans, as they possessed modern weapons with which they were able to overtake the most formidable segments of native tribes. Sickness introduced to the indigenous tribes by the Europeans reduced the enslaved population to the point that new workers were needed. A slave trade was brought into existence by this need. Slaves were still gathered from indigenous tribes, but they were supplemented with African slaves brought by ship. These events helped to forge the Americas into the prosperous cultures they eventually became. Slavery influenced culture during the revolutionary period with the beginnings of racism, this culture change initiated lawmaking concerning race, which started with the first emancipation around 1780. How these two topics were molded until the 1850's, and have remained present in the modern era of our lives will be proven in the following essay. The word racism is a term used to describe the believed differences between people of different colors, because of traits, morals, or intellectual prowess. These perceived differences cause a racist person to treat a person of color in ways that would be unaccepted by most people in their own race. [1] This practice, racism, was initiated in the 17th century to promote or justify the use of slaves in what was to become the United States. Racism is justified by many means including the bible, science, and hypothetical theories. A widespread religious following in the Americas became the basis for acceptance of racism using the bible for justification. It ran into... ...hudacoff, Fredrik Logevall, Beth Bailey, and Debra Michals. A People & A Nation: A history of The United States and A More Perfect Union. Mason, Ohio: Cengage Learning, 2010. [3]. Goldenberg, Amy Production Editor. RACE Are We So Different?. Arlington, VA: American Anthropological Association , 2010. (accessed March 20, 2012). [4]. Valbrun, Marjorie. "Rewriting the Script Won’t Change the Facts in the Trayvon Martin Case." April 2, 2012. Accessed April 12, 2012. [5]. Olafson, Steve. "Tulsa Shootings Evoke City's past Racial Violence." Reuters News Service. Accessed April 10, 2012.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Heidi Roizen/ Building a Network Essay

In my opinion Heidi Roizen’s network is one of her greatest assets. â€Å"While other people use networks to build their business, Heidi’s business is networking. She’s very effective and uses her network to add real value.†, Randy Komisar commented on the article. Her networking skills are extremely efficient. She is really good at blending her professional with her personal networking. She always grabs the nucleus people of a network and then keeps in touch with all the people in that network. And another strength that makes Roizen’s networking successful is that she understands and pays more attention on the win-win relationship which is a core factor that differentiated her skills from others. Her style includes an unpretentious, down- to-earth, and positive personality which played an important role for her success. Additionally, as mentioned on the article by Royal Farros â€Å"Heidi is a pro at turning a brief conversation into one of substance, by contributing one or two unique ideas in a short period of time. That helps make the conversation memorable.† The downside of Roisen’s networking is that they are thousands of people that know her and in some cases people may feel they have a relationship with her, and therefore request her time for meetings. There are also some weaknesses in her networking. Her networking lacks more diversity. According to the article, she always invites the people to her party that have known half of any other people attend the party. That could potentially lead to a result that she can meet less people at one time, she could miss some important talents and opportunities. Also her networking really focuses on companies and people mostly bases in the Silicon Valley. In order to build her networking, Roizen has taken several steps. She begun building relationship with members of the press and she also attended several industry conferences and events. Later on she also decided to join the board of the Software Publishers Association (SPA). The article also mentioned that she gets motivation to get to know good-quality and talented people and be friends with then. She also knows that she is placing a bet by investing so much time in these people, but many of her bets paid off for her in the past. Additionally, she acknowledges that is easier to meet people when they are not famous, and off course it would be easier for her when they become famous because she would already have a relationship with them. And she spends a long-term effort on performance and consistency during and after each interaction to maintain a better and long living network. I think Heide should diversify more her network and try to create strong connections with leaders from other industries a besides technology and venture capital. Also because of the breath and depth of her network, she will constantly have people reaching out for her, so in my opinion she will have to be more selective of her time and people who she will interact with, and most important she will have to say no to some people. Additionally, she should probably balance more her life and reduce the number of industry events or gatherings hosted by her, which according to the article she already initiated this process. I would like to reinforce my arguments in this paragraph with something that Roizen mentioned in a news article, â€Å"At the close of my life, I’d like to look back and know that I got — and delivered — good value out of living. I’d like to know that I took advantage of the opportunities that I was blessed with for myself and my family. I want to know that I created good balance in my life, enjoyed it, lived well and enhanced the lives of others in the process.†

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Diversity and Cross Cultural Differences in Work places Essay

Diversity and Cross-Cultural Differences in Workplaces Introduction            Different people have different mental structures due to the diverse type of personality and cultural background. The study of psychology has enabled people to know about the mental functioning of others making it easier individuals and groups to understand one another. Since people must interact in the day-to-day activities, there is need to harmonize this differences and create an environment where every member feel a sense of belonging. Psychological counseling plays an important role in preparing individuals to be more appreciative the cultural and personality difference existing between people. Psychology counseling is a field of psychology focusing on the personal and interpersonal working and on the emotional, social and health related issues of individuals and groups of people. This paper addresses issues arising from interaction of people with differences culture and behaviors. It also focuses on criminal investigation process in the psychological perspect ive.            Key words: psychopathology, personality, behavioral therapy, individualistic, diversity Diversity and Cross-Cultural Differences in Workplaces            Every individual is characterized by a unique pattern of thoughts, behaviors and feeling that contribute to individual’s psychological structure. Despite the fact that each individual is unique in personality resulting in diversity in peoples’ way of lives, people have always found themselves in crowds- be it in schools, places of worship, or any other social, political or economic gathering. Leininger and McFarland (2006) writes that the need to coexist in harmony compels persons to sometimes subordinate individual goals so that they can accomplish the goals of a group. Those individuals who are not mentally ready to accept the cultural and personality diversity between different people often find it hard to coexist with others.            Psychopathology has enabled counseling psychologist to understand the various aspects of one’s mental structure including genetic and biological issues. Psychologists are able to identify people who undergo atypical or disordered development from those with normal or typical development. It is paramount for coworkers to be aware of their colleagues’ mental structure so as to engage in the right way with them. This is crucial for the creation and maintenance of a healthy and productive working environment that is composed of persons with diverse personalities. In such a set up where workplace colleagues have to cope with different personality traits, one may find it hard to maintain a stable mental behavior and physical emotions and may suffer from maladjustment in case one is in a new environment. Counseling psychologists help such persons to alleviate distress and improve their wellbeing (Woolfe & Dryden, 1996). They also provide patients with assess ment and treatment of psychological issues.            Through behavioral analysis, one is able to systematically analyze another person’s or one’s own behavior so as to know cause of certain behaviors and consequently improve social interaction. Bad behaviors can be corrected or good behaviors adopted or through behavioral therapy. This is a method that is used bypsychotherapists and psychiatrists to treat mood disorders an anxiety usually caused by variables such as; social phobia, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder and bipolar disorder. According to Lesilie (2008), behavioral treatment techniques include;Role playing, discussing about coping mechanisms, breathing and relaxation method, activities to promote focus, modifications to anger, pain or fear, social skills training, positive reinforcement.            These methods focus on individuals shaping their behavior to cope with the environment. When individuals with behavioral disorders try to change their behaviors to suit that required in the workplaces, they often find themselves struggling to relate with the others and this leads to seclusion and isolation. On the other hand behavioral therapy should focus aiding individuals acquire control over their own behavior and blending it with the requirements of the workplace. This is important because one manipulates the environmentand learns to control their own behavior without compromising their personality which is vital for maximum productivity. With one’s own personality, the reception of stimuli and the response is not affected and therefore there are no negative consequences influencing the next occasion in the brain (Lesilie, 2008).            Persons who find it hard to conform to workplace ethics due to cultural mismatches should set standards for assessing their own performance and progress in behavioral therapy. Techniques such as self-management, self-control and self-regulation are used to monitor one’s progress (Woolfe & Dryden, 1996). Behavioral modification procedures are not procedures to punish those people with different behaviors but they are techniques to eliminate non-conforming working behaviors and also facilitate cross-cultural understanding. The make the workplace to feel better and builds a sense of satisfactory. For psychologists to offer the relevant advice to a person suffering from mental disorder, they must first find out the patients’ personality and understand how they think, feel, relate, influence and get influenced by others.            For applied social psychologists to attend to a patient they must try to adopt the personality of the patient so that they can employ the best techniques to treat a patient without affecting the patients personality. In this perspective the psychologist is able to develop development strategies that are aimed at improving the important aspects, programs and policies for the patient to have a positive recovery. Psychologists should aim at eliminating the negative attitude that a patient may have towards colleagues or the workplace. This is aimed at improving intercultural understanding and to offer a neutral platform where no culture is viewed as less or more important than the other. With cross-cultural understanding people will tend to be more committed to working together improving productivity.            Nevertheless, cultural competence is healthy for the growth of an organization that comprises of people from diverse cultures (Leininger & McFarland, 2006). This should not be overshadowed by the tendency to express cultural superiority over others but should demonstrate the ability to effectively engage in cross-cultural dialogues without intimidating or negating another person’s culture. This requires one to appreciate social psychology and be in a position to balance between positive and negative criticism on another person’s culture. Since not all people are equipped with the understanding of social psychology, training on cultural competence should be conducted to avoid such problem from arising. Some cultures are individualistic while others are communists and this play a big role in defining how coworkers exist. This necessitates the need for effective cross-cultural team-building and training.            As colleagues engage in affairs of the workplaces, each and every one of them is entitled to a certain opinion which one would like to support. If such a situation gets tense, certain body changes occur such as breathing rates and emotional changes if certain people are intimidating others for decisions to go their way. Such a phenomenon may result in one becoming uncontrollable or violent. Biological psychology is concerned with balancingwhat the mind is processing and the effects it has on the body. It analyses how ones behaviors and thoughts are affected by the brain and neurotransmitters. Various neurotransmitters have different effects on the body. For instance, neurotransmitter dopamine is responsible for movement and learning. Varying quantities of excess or too little of the neurotransmitter dopamine in the body results in disorders such as schizophrenia and Parkinson’s disease respectively. (Woolfe & Dryden, 1996).The comprehensive nature of bio-psy chology encompasses diversity and cross-cultural aspects of an organization. A bio-psychologist will reconcile individuals or groups of people that are not in agreement resulting in abnormal behaviors. When addressing such a conflict a bio-psychologist figures out in which area of bio-psychology the problem is. The following are the main areas of bio-psychology; sensation and perception, emotion, learning and memory, motivated behavior and control of movement (Woolfe & Dryden, 1996). Through these areas, bio-psychological problems and concerns are addressed.            Another area of psychology is the forensic psychology – an area that deals with the relationship between psychology and law. When a crime occurs, a criminal investigative process takes place in order to determine the offender, motive and to allow the right punishment if any to be given to the offender. The investigation involves investigative psychologist who explores the relationships between the offender and the nature of the crime that has been committed. The investigation process has the following major areas; investigating the crime, gathering evidence, use of technology, search and seizure, arresting and charging the offender who may also undergo detention and interrogation (Simon, 2012). Throughout this process forensic psychologists are involved as they help to establish a connection between an offender and the crimes committed. Essentially the forensic psychologist offers the following services during investigation process: evaluating the risks of r eoffending by the offender, child custody evaluation, recommending the length of the sentence to be handed to the offender, competence evaluation and testimony as an expert witness.            Simon (2012) says that throughout this period from crime commission to when the sentence is passed, a forensic psychologist will engage with the suspected offended in an attempt to get insight on the motive behind the offence. In some cases, the offender may be suffering from a mental disorder and it is the duty of the psychologist to psychological expertise to provide analysis and recommendations in the criminal case. In addition a psychiatrics’ examination is required to determine whether the offender/suspect suffers from a mental illness an opinion that is taken to be of very high value by the court since it might require the court to charge the offender as a mentally challenged person and this also influences the type of prison the offender is to serve the sentence. In conclusion psychological is an aspects great and delicate influence on the diversity and cross cultural differences existing in workplaces. Coworkers should work towards enhancing intercul tural understanding and acceptance. References Leininger, M.M. & McFarland, R.M. (2006). Culture Care Diversity and Universality: A Worldwide Nursing Theory. Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett. Lesilie, C.J. (2008). Principles of Behavioral Analysis. Hove, UA: Psychology pr.Simon ,D. (2012). In Doubt. The Psychology of the Criminal Justice Process. Cambridge, CB: Havard University Press.Woolfe, A, & Dryden, W. (1996). Handbook of Counseling Psychology. Oxfordshire, OS: Carfax International Publishers. Source document

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Racism Essays - National Hockey League, Ice Hockey, Helmets

Racism Essays - National Hockey League, Ice Hockey, Helmets Racism SHOULD THE NHL MAKE THEIR PLAYERS WEAR MORE PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT PROTECTIVE GEAR EQUALS SAFETY IN THE NHL The NHL should force their players to wear protective gear. Three reasons why protective gear should be worn are: one, it would prevent physical injuries; two, the players would set a good example for the future generations; three, it would take away from the negative aspects of the game. Protective gear helps a somewhat violent game remain as clean as possible. Wearing protective gear would prevent physical injuries in hockey. There were many hockey players who have worked hard all of their lives to become professional hockey superstars and when they finally got to the NHL, they become injured and were forced to watch the game instead of playing in it. An example of this is Brett Lindros. At the age of sixteen, the New York Islanders drafted Brett in the first round of the entry draft. He played his first NHL game against the Buffalo Sabers when he was eighteen years old. One year later, on February ninth, his whole life came crashing down on him. His lifelong dream to win a Stanley Cup had come to an end. He was hit with a thundering bodycheck into the boards and was knocked unconscious. Soon it was discovered that Brett had a history of concussions that dated back to when he was sixteen years old. The collision forced him to retire at the age of nineteen and spend the rest of his life pondering what was now the fact that he would have to quit in order to live. What actually happened was, when he was hit against the boards, his head hit the glass and that impact forced him to collapse and fall to the ice. This gruesome injury could have been avoided if Brett was wearing an approved helmet. The helmet that he was wearing at the time of the injury had no foam on the inside. That foam helps absorb the impact of a blow to the head. If he had been wearing one, there would have been a huge chance that he could have left the ice with only a mild injury instead of a career ending one. Another example is Brian Berard. His whole career came to an end on March the eleventh when he was playing against the Ottawa Senators. Marian Hossa was taking a slapshot and Berard fell to the ice to block the shot. When the puck was shot, the end of Hossas stick struck Berard in his eye. The blow caused a 20-millimeter cut across the eyeball, detached the retina, sliced off the lens, and caused other problems.2 Brian Berard is only twenty-two years old and is forced to finish his career because of his health. All of which could have been avoided if he had been wearing a visor on his helmet. If he had been wearing a visor, Hossas stick would have just bounced off the plastic and Berard would still have blocked the shot. If the league enforces the use of approved equipment, the kids will hardly ever read about injuries on the ice and therefore they wont have a fear in the back of their heads when playing hockey. When the children play hockey in the minor leagues they are forced to wear approved gear. So, if the NHL creates the same rule, these kids will find it easier to adapt to professional hockey when they are drafted because they are already used to wearing the equipment. Another example of players setting a good example for the future generation of hockey players is Pavel Bure. Pavel Bure is a role model who wears a visor and kids want to play hockey just like him. When children watch their favourite hockey players play hockey wearing protective equipment, the children tend to mimic the behavior of the players and therefore wear protective equipment themselves while playing hockey. Pavel Bure sets a great example by wearing the visor because he is showing the children that you can be a superstar and you can be safe at the same time.He also makes it a habit to show the kids that safety is an important issue when playing

Monday, October 21, 2019

The Likely Manifestations of Terrorist Act Globally Essays

The Likely Manifestations of Terrorist Act Globally Essays The Likely Manifestations of Terrorist Act Globally Essay The Likely Manifestations of Terrorist Act Globally Essay The likely manifestations of terrorist act globally Its nature and spread by 2030-2035 Statement of the job: This paper aims to sketch major hereafter tendencies in terrorist act and through this, predict the hereafter of terrorist act with a position to analyze the pendulumic displacement from State sponsored terrorist act, to non-state histrion groups, back towards new province sponsored terrorist act for Radical Militant Islamic Groups ( RMIGs ) . Aims: 1. Show the manifestation of RMIGs off from decentralized leading and back to centralise leading staged from anarchic countries in bing state provinces. 2. Show the menace this poses to the marks of these RMIGs Hypothesis: As military and jurisprudence enforcement forces have begun to take away the safe oasiss for RMIGs, the menace will switch as these groups: settle into anarchic provinces set up their ain authoritiess, inhabit weak provinces by intimidating and corrupting the current authorities to supply sanctuary within the province boundaries, and finally out-breed the current people in non-Islamic provinces past bulk population and so vote in anti-western Islamic provinces with purposes to back up terrorist act. Chapter 1 Introduction The Menace from Terrorism There are really few worlds in the universe today who have non had their lives altered or affected in some manner through terrorist Acts of the Apostless or the menace from terrorist act. The extremely publicised terrorist onslaughts in the United States, London, Madrid, and Mumbai were seen worldwide and have lead to sweeping alterations in the security positions of many western and developed states, every bit good as to a multi-nation war in Afghanistan. For those that have non felt the direct effects by losing person near to them, there are many life changing after-shocks have had planetary range and therefore have effected about everyone. Every individual who uses public transit, drives in a plane/train, or crosses an international boundary line will experience the effects of international terrorist act through immensely increased security steps. Terrorism has changed foreign policy for many states and has lead to wars. [ 1 ] In all, terrorist act is rewriting the geopolitical ma p as we see it now and in the decennaries to come, will go on to alter the universe as we know it. Extremist Militant Islamic Groups There are many faiths and political cabals that have terrorist cells. In fact, in this twenty-four hours and age, one would be hard pressed to happen a state or faith that does non hold some signifier of cardinal or radicalized terrorist group in its thick. Groups adopting panic find roots in Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Buddhism and Hinduism. [ 2 ] This being said, in recent times, the most unsafe menace to western and developed states comes from the Radical Militant Islamic Groups. These Muslim Militants have non merely local and national range, but can project their influence regionally and even globally ( as seen with Al Qaeda and Hezbollah ) , and therefore will be the focal point of this thesis. Switching Littorals: Since as far back as history day of the months, there has been war between peoples. Sometimes these peoples were equally matched, and the conflicts pitted big ground forcess against one another. Yet at other times, the odds were to a great extent in favour of one side, and the lesser of these groups had to fall back to non-traditional warfare to bring down losingss on their enemy. Sometimes these onslaughts were focused on the enemy s military, and sometimes these onslaughts were focused on the people of the enemy state. The enemies could be state vs state or sometimes they were state vs a non-state histrion group. The pendulum has swung back and Forth throughout history as to what is the root of terrorist groups. With the outgrowth of Al Qaeda we have seen that in the present twenty-four hours the non-state histrion terrorist groups have taken centre phase, though this may be about to alter. Attempt to foretell the hereafter This paper engages the chance of foretelling the hereafter of planetary terrorist act. This is achieved by analysing the history of the beginnings and conceptual alterations of terrorist act over old ages past and current tendencies of terrorist act as seen through the informations available from the terrorist act bookmans of today. Though terrorist act is non a wholly Muslim phenomena, this paper will concentrate on terrorist act from Radical Militant Islamic Groups, as this is the most prevailing signifier of terrorist act seen in the present twenty-four hours. It will try to put out the development of terrorist act to give some footing for a reappraisal of the current most of import tendencies in terrorist act. It will discourse the beginnings of ethno-nationalist ( or province sponsored ) terrorist act and farther discourse how this has morphed into the new multinational ( or non-state histrion ) terrorist act of today. Finally the paper will put the phase for the anticipation of a hereafter displacement back to province sponsored terrorist act and sketch the grounds why this is traveling to happen. Chapter II Development of Terrorism Historical Rootss Quotation mark here about terrorist act s history and importance Pre-Modern World: first Century BC to the thirteenth Century The history of terrorist act is every bit old as worlds preparedness to utilize force to impact political relations. A first century Jewish group known as the Sicarii murdered their enemies and Roman confederates in their run to throw out the Roman swayers from their fatherland in Judea. [ 3 ] The Hashhashin, whose name gave us the English word bravos, were a close Islamic religious order active in Iran and Syria from the 11th to the thirteenth century. [ 4 ] Their dramatic blackwashs of rival political figures terrified their coevalss. [ 5 ] Zealots and bravos were non, nevertheless, terrorists in the modern sense. It can be argued that terrorist act is best idea of as a more current phenomenon. Its features stem from the international system of national sovereignty or nation-states, and its success depends on the capableness to keep a loyal dedicated following to transport out operations and the ability to publicise their violent Acts of the Apostless ( or menace of violent Acts of the Apostless ) to distribute fright among the mark people. [ 6 ] 1793: The Origins of Modern Terrorism In 1793, following the Gallic revolution, Maximilien Robespierre instigated a reign of panic on those who opposed the Gallic revolution. [ 7 ] Insert a image of Robespierre with his quotation mark below This reign of panic is conventionally known as the place of birth of the word Terrorism. [ 8 ] ( The term Terror comes from a Latin word intending to scare ) . Robespierre, one of 12 caputs of the new province, viciously had his enemies killed, and installed a absolutism to stabilise the state, warranting his methods as necessary to transform the state into a democratic province, stating: Subdue by terror the enemies of autonomy, and you will be right, as laminitiss of the Republic. [ 9 ] Robespierre s sentiment is the anchor in the beliefs of many modern terrorists, who consider force the best and most efficient manner to acquire to their desired result. As decennaries passed, the classification of terrorist act as a province action has blurred, as the thought of terrorist act as an onslaught against an bing political order became more outstanding. fiftiess: The Rise of Non-State Terrorism Terrorism in the 1950 s got its start from the guerrilla warfare tactics popular with many seditious groups of the clip. This rise of guerilla tactics by non-state histrions in the last half of the 20th century was due to several factors. These included the flowering of cultural patriotism ( e.g. Irish, Basque, Zionist ) , anti-colonial sentiments in the huge British, Gallic and Dutch imperiums, and new political orientations such as communism. In close recent times, terrorist groups with nationalist dockets have sprung up in every portion of the universe. For illustration, the Irish Republican Army grew from the desire of Irish Catholics to organize an independent democracy, and interrupt their ties with Great Britain. [ 10 ] Similarly, the Kurds, a distinguishable cultural and lingual group in Turkey, Syria, Iran and Iraq, have sought national liberty since the beginning of the twentieth Century. [ 11 ] The Kurdistan Worker s Party ( PKK ) , formed in the 1970s, use terrorist tactics to intimidate the authorities of Turkey and highlight its end of an independent Kurdish province. [ 12 ] The Sri Lankan Liberation Tigers of Tamil, though late brought down by the Sri Lankan Military, used self-destruction bombardment and other deadly tactics to pay a conflict for independency against the Sinhala bulk authorities. [ 13 ] seventiess: The International Turn of Terrorism International terrorist act came to the head as a outstanding issue in the late sixtiess, when highjacking of big airliners became a favorite maneuver. In 1968, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine became the first group to commandeer an aircraft. [ 14 ] Twenty old ages subsequently, the bombardment of Pan Am flight 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland, shocked the universe. [ 15 ] The epoch besides gave us our contemporary thought of terrorist act as extremely theatrical, symbolic Acts of the Apostless of force, were carried out by organized groups with specific political grudges as was brought out in Munich in 1972. The bloody events at the 1972 Munich Olympics were politically motivated when the Palestinian group Black September, kidnapped and killed Israeli jocks fixing to vie in the games. [ 16 ] Black September s political end was to convey international attending to help in the dialogue for the release of Palestinian captives held by Israel. [ 17 ] The violent Acts of the Apostless in Munich radically changed the universe s ideas on, and handling of, terrorist act, and it was at this point when the footings counter-terrorism and international terrorist act entered the political duologue. [ 18 ] ninetiess: twenty-first Century: The Rise of Religious Terrorism Though an statement can be made that the rise of sacredly motivated terrorist act got its modern twenty-four hours get down in Iran and Afghanistan to counter the political issues of the Shah and the Soviet Union, it came to the head with many extremely seeable A ; violent Acts of the Apostless committed during the 1990 s. Groups that justify their force on Islamic evidences Al Qaeda, Hamas, and Hezbollah semen to mind first. But Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism and other faiths have given rise to their ain signifiers of hawkish extremism. [ 19 ] In recent old ages RMIGs have taken centre phase for their astoundingly violent Acts of the Apostless perpetrated against the people of non-Muslim civilizations. Chapter III Tendencies in Terrorism Quotation mark here about tendencies in terrorist act or past terrorist act or anticipation of terrorist act Major Changes are Ahead There are major alterations coming to terrorist act in the old ages in front. These alterations can be seen from the tendencies of today, and will basically change both the terrorist menace to aim states and the footings on which we must contend the war against RMIGs. The top tendencies that will act upon the alterations in Terrorism Globally are summarized below. Birthrate rates will take Western Countries to come under Islamic regulation In contrast to the underdeveloped universe, many industrialized states are presently, or will shortly, see birthrate rates below the replacing degree and hence important diminutions in populations, excepting the effects of in-migration [ 20 ] . This means the population of developed states will fall from 14 per centum of the entire universe population in 2000, to merely 10 per centum in 2050. [ 21 ] By 2015, the work force in Japan and much of Europe will be shriveling by 1 per centum per twelvemonth. By the 2030s, it will contract by 1.5 per centum yearly. [ 22 ] Militant Islam continues to turn in both rank and power It has been clear for old ages that many Islamic states face terrible jobs with spiritual extremists who are dedicated to progressing their political, societal, and ideological positions by any agencies necessary. [ 23 ] About all of the Muslim lands are overcrowded and short of resources. Many are hapless, salvage for the oil-rich provinces of the Middle East. [ 24 ] Virtually all Islamic states have big unemployed populations of immature work forces, who are often attracted to violent anti-western extremist motions and the chumminess and position that fall ining one of these groups brings. [ 25 ] During its proxy war with the Soviet Union in Afghanistan, the United States extensively equipped the Muslim extremist substructure by providing it with money, weaponries, and, above all, preparation. [ 26 ] We see a similar error today in Iraq as the war in that state has inspired a new coevals of Jihadists, who have been trained and battle-hardened in the turning insurgence. In a now-declassified National Security Estimate, the American intelligence community concluded that Al Qaeda was more powerful in 2007 than it had been before the alleged war on panic began-more unsafe even than it had been when i t planned the onslaughts of September 11, 2001. [ 27 ] The Terrorist Ranks Are Turning The station 9/11 invasion of Afghanistan that lead to the unseating of the Taliban government deprived Al Qaeda of a safe oasis, striking a major blow against the planetary terrorist motion, yet by neglecting to follow up on that success efficaciously, much of the benefit that should hold been gained from that first measure in the war has been lost. Additionally, with the invasion of Iraq, Al Qaeda and its sympathisers now have a new cause around which to beat up their existing forces and, more significantly, enroll new 1s. [ 28 ] As a consequence, the menace from RMIGs is now turning stronger, non weaker. [ 29 ] The grounds that supports this belief is voluminous. Upwards of 30,000 foreign combatants are believed to hold infiltrated into Iraq, where they are now deriving experience and contacts that will function them good in future runs against their western or western supported enemies. [ 30 ] In kernel, Iraq is now functioning the map of the preparation and vetting centre for pla netary terrorist act that Afghanistan provided in the 1980s. [ 31 ] Though the war in Iraq did function to liberate a people from a ruthless dictator, it is now constructing a skilled, disciplined, and good affiliated terrorist cell that will ramify out to the far reaches of the Earth. [ 32 ] At the bosom of the Middle East fundamentalist motion are the wahabists of Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia has late been forced to ordain a plan designed to maintain Muslim work forces from traveling to Iraq to pay war against the alliance forces in a planetary jehad. [ 33 ] The Wahhid ( the dominant Muslim religious order in Saudi Arabia ) , has stated that fall ining the jehad is the Muslim adult male s second-greatest responsibility, after traveling to Mecca. [ 34 ] The Wahhid is prophesying that able bodied work forces must contend in Iraq, so that they can return and contend for fundamentalist Islam in Saudi Arabia. [ 35 ] In this manner, the foundation for terrorist cells are built which are independent of Al Qaeda but resolutely committed to the same aims. Examples of this have been seen in the Madrid railroad bombardments which were carried out by a semi-independent terrorist cell based in Morocco whose members cited the invasion of Iraq as one inspiration for their attempts. [ 36 ] In Britain, the London metro bombardments in 2005 were the work of a little, independent set of British citizens inspired by Al Qaeda. [ 37 ] In France and Australia, governments have arrested a figure of Western converts to Islam, many of whom are believed to hold joined Al Qaeda or associated organisations since the invasion of Afghanistan. [ 38 ] A study by Gallic intelligence functionaries estimates that there were between 30,000 and 50,000 such converts, and by deduction, possible terrorists, in France entirely. [ 39 ] It is clear that RMIGs have important understanding among Europe s Muslim population. The Gallic public violences of October and November 2005 affected at least 20 metropoliss in that state, ensuing in 2,888 apprehensions, and touched off lesser force in Belgium, Denmark, Greece, the Netherlands, Spain, and even Switzerland. [ 40 ] Saudi Arabia financess an extended web of spiritual schools, from New York to Pakistan. [ 41 ] Saudi governments have admitted that every bit much as 10 per centum of the course of study in those schools contains material sermon hatred of other faiths, the West, and the United States. [ 42 ] At times, those schools have gone so far as to organize their discourses to present similar anti-Western messages in far-distant venues. In a survey in 2003, Dr. Borik Zadeh, of the Battelle Institute, found that mosques in Ohio, London, Frankfurt, and Paris delivered about indistinguishable discourses in the same hebdomad, the cardinal message of which was blessing of the planetary war against the West. [ 43 ] In Pakistan, where Saudi Arabia s Wahhabi motion supports 1000s of madrassas, the call to jehad is even more ardent. Those schools are enrolling extremists, pumping money and combatants into Iraq and Afghanistan, and methodically constructing a nucleus of extremists that will prosecute the jehad against the West for coevalss to come. [ 44 ] They are most unsafe in their mark countries: Saudi Arabia, Australia, Europe, and to a much lesser extent the United States, which is protected by distance and the much smaller size of its Muslim population. [ 45 ] Persons from Europe and the Middle East are absorbing the extremist credo, traveling to Iraq and larning to contend, and returning to their ain states. France, Great Britain, Denmark, Saudi Arabia, and excessively many other lands are now place to revolutionists with all the rights of citizens. RMIGs Will Gain Access to Weapons of Mass Destruction It must be assumed that tomorrow s terrorists will do every attempt to guarantee that they have more than unconventional sums of conventional explosives with which to do their violent point. [ 46 ] Pakistan s atomic arms are in the custodies of a delicate corrupt authorities surrounded by extremists who view the atomic arms as Islamic Bombs . [ 47 ] Pakistan represents by far the greatest chance for manque atomic terrorists to go atomic terrorists. If Moslem extremists can non derive entree to stolen arms from the former Soviet Republics, they may shortly be able to obtain them from Islamabad. Thankfully, this seems non to be a warrant that terrorists will utilize atomic arms against the possible western marks. RMIGs will most probably receive big, difficult to hide, low-yield devices that will be hard to smuggle to their mark. Though one can be certain that terrorist organisations will seek anyhow, other arms of mass devastation ( WMD ) look to be a much more likely option. Clouds of toxic gas or incompletely weaponized bacteriums could happen their manner into New York City, London or Paris. Even more likely is the chemical arm menace. As the Nipponese cult Aum Shinrikyo, demonstrated in a Tokyo metro in 1995, chemical arms are available to basically anyone who wants them severely plenty to set in a modest attempt to do or purchase them. [ 48 ] The Home Grown menace from Muslim extremists is on the rise A 1994 terrorist act survey by the US Department of Defense predicted that by 2020 a bulk of the universe s most of import Muslim lands could be controlled by extremist spiritual authoritiess. [ 49 ] The West should anticipate more violent and more legion Acts of the Apostless of terrorist act for the following 20+ old ages. [ 50 ] Europe faces a important homegrown Muslim extremist menace right now, and the United States may besides in the following 2-3 decennaries. [ 51 ] Thanks mostly to moving ridges of in-migration since the 1980s and a birth rate that is the highest in the universe, Islam is the fastest-growing faith in the universe, to include both Europe and North America. [ 52 ] Extremist churchmans in Europe are enrolling immature Moslems to the cause of jehad against the places they were born and raised in. [ 53 ] Beyond that, for the first clip, an Islamic state, Pakistan, has atomic arms. As antecedently mentioned, Muslim extremists view this engineering as an Muslim bo mb that could be used to advance their revelatory political orientation, doing atomic terrorist act a realistic menace. This menace will turn as Iraq, Sudan, Saudi Arabia, and other states set up fundamentalist governments that are willing to endorse the cause of jehad against the West. Saudi Arabia is good on the way to be taken over by a fundamentalist government, and to try to prorogue this, the Saud household will go on to supply more support to extremists and enterprise to direct the RMIGs attending to the West. [ 54 ] The overthrow of the Taliban in Afghanistan and the war in Iraq have strengthened the planetary Jihadist motion, given them a preparation land and built up the contacts for future terrorist Acts of the Apostless. The spread between the Have s and the Have Not s will go on to increase The turning spread in wealth between the rich and hapless states looks as if it will further destabilise the universe order, go oning to promote prospective RMIGs in the less developed states to agitate force against the rich in their ain states, or when available against western marks. This lifting spread in wealth within many comfortable states has the possibility to put off discontent among the less well-off, perchance assisting to animate random force and Acts of the Apostless of domestic terrorist act in the West. The turning spread in wealth and income between the rich and the hapless besides may animate transition to Islam in the West, chiefly among the underprivileged. As seen in England and Australia, this can be a beginning of violent extremism among both immigrant and native populations. [ 55 ] Population growing is highest in those states least able to back up the growing The greatest birthrate rates are found in those states least able to back up their existing populations: the largest population additions projected between 2000 and 2050 include the Palestinian Territory ( 217 per centum ) , Niger ( 205 per centum ) , Yemen ( 168 per centum ) , Angola ( 162 per centum ) , the Democratic Republic of Congo ( 161 per centum ) , and Uganda ( 133 per centum ) . [ 56 ] The Muslim universe is reproducing at an highly high rate, with birthrate rates of 7.5 in Afghanistan, 6.0 in Yemen, and 4.9 in Iraq. [ 57 ] Harmonizing to the Center for Strategic International Studies ( CSIS ) , of the jutting 2.7 billion more people in the universe in 2050, approximately 40 per centum will populate in sub-Saharan Africa and 30 per centum in the Muslim universe. [ 58 ] Even these estimations appear to be on the low side. Harmonizing to CSIS, most official projections underestimate both the birthrate rates and age of mortality, every bit good as doing the premise that life anticipation will turn more easy in the hereafter, which seems improbable as universe health care merely continues to acquire better. Turning Western prosperity relative to other states with quickly turning populations and bowed down economic systems will go on to do the developed states a mark for terrorist act. Deficits of nutrient could assist to actuate extremism unless the industrialised states make a determined, seeable attempt to supply for the universe s hapless. ( As much nutrient will necessitate to be produced in the following 40 old ages as has been produced in the universe since the morning of clip ) . [ 59 ] Urbanization, will go on to increase quickly Harmonizing to the Population Reference Bureau s 2006 World Population Data Sheet, Forty-eight per centum of the universe s population presently lives in metropoliss. By 2030 that figure is expected to turn to 60 per centum, as about 2.1 billion more people move to the universe s urban centres. [ 60 ] In industrialised states, on norm, more than three-quarterss of the population lives in metropoliss. [ 61 ] In North America, urbanisation is the highest at 79 per centum, but metropoliss are turning fastest in the underdeveloped states of the universe. [ 62 ] By 2015, at the current growing rate, there are estimated to be 59 megacities in the universe ( metropoliss with over 5 million people ) , 48 of them in less developed states. [ 63 ] Of these, 23 will hold populations over 10 million, all but four in the development lands. [ 64 ] Right now, there are about 1 billion people who live in urban countries who lack equal clean H2O, shelter, lavatories and hygiene countries, and/or electricity. [ 65 ] The jobs this raises with mention to offense, force, and spiritual extremism is readily evident. Concentrating the hapless, laden and powerless in big cloistral urban centres produces conditions ideal for the spread of offense and the type of spiritual extremism that lends itself to viol ent political orientations. Chapter IV Old Terrorism Quotation mark about province sponsored terrorist act Old Terrorism Ethno-nationalist or Ideological, and province sponsored Is there a difference between terrorist act and legitimate tactics used by governments that exploit fright and panic? States frequently resort to force to act upon sections of their population, or rely on coercive facets of province establishments. [ 66 ] There are those who equate any usage of authorities power directed at the population, in any signifier, as terrorist act, but this point of view blurs what should and should non be considered terrorist act, as it elevates the result over the purpose. Suppression of a public violence by jurisprudence enforcement forces may in fact expose some of the population ( the rioters and some guiltless looker-ons ) to force and fright, but with the purpose to protect the larger civil order. On the other manus, maltreatment of the right of legitimized force by the governments is a offense. Governments will, at times, involve themselves in terrorist act to carry through their aims or transport out the desires of single swayers. Internal security forces can utilize panic to assistance in quashing dissent, and intelligence or military organisations may execute Acts of the Apostless designed to do panic to foster a province s policies. A authorities that is an antagonist of Country B may use panic tactics in an attempt to do up for existent or sensed insufficiencies in conventional warfare capablenesss. Repression through panic of the autochthonal population of their ain state would take topographic point to forestall internal dissent and rebellion that Country B might work. Particular Operations forces, paramilitary forces and province intelligence assets could carry on terrorist operations against Country B involvements both inter-regionally and as far abroad as their capablenesss allow to destabilise Country B and convey coveted visibleness to the sponsoring authorities s issues. Finally, onslaughts on Country B on their place dirt could be executed by province sponsored terrorist organisations or by domestic placeholders. This is being seen today in Iraq with the Persian engagement to destabilise Iraq and kill alliance military mans, every bit good as Pakistan s attempts to destabilise the Jammu and Kashmi r part of India. The four different ways that provinces can prosecute in the usage of panic Governmental or State panic State engagement in panic State sponsorship of terrorist act Turning a blind oculus to the harboring/funding of panic groups in their boundary lines Governmental or State panic Governmental or State panic is usually seen when a authorities terrorizes its ain population to command or quash them. These actions are about ever with the cognition of the authorities and are portion of the policy ( written or unwritten ) of the authorities. They will do usage of official organic structures such as the armed forces, constabulary, intelligence, bench or other authorities bureaus. Changes can be made to the legal system which license or promote violent death, anguish, or belongings confiscation/destruction in chase of governmental desires. As an illustration of this, after presuming power, official Nazi policy was aimed at the deliberate devastation of province enemies ( viz. the Jewish community ) taking to the ensuing bullying of the remainder of the population. [ 67 ] Stalin s purges of the 1930s is a farther illustration of prosecuting the machinery of the province to terrorise an full population. The methods he used included such actions as trials of his o ppositions who were found guilty of some trumped up charge, penalizing household or friends of suspected enemies of the government, and utmost extra-legal usage of constabulary or military force against the population. [ 68 ] In more recent times, Saddam Hussein used chemical arms on the Kurdish population of Iraq. [ 69 ] These arms were non used against the bulk Muslim population in the southern 2/3 of Iraq, where he accomplished his ends utilizing conventional province panic methods. State engagement in panic State engagement in panic includes the activities where authorities forces execute operations utilizing panic tactics that are directed against other states involvements, persons or private groups that have opposing or controversial opinions/actions viewed as counter to that of the province. In kernel, it is terrorist act under official countenance, although such mandate is seldom acknowledged openly. Historical illustrations include the Soviet and Persian blackwash runs against dissenters who had fled abroad, and the North Korean and Libyan intelligence secret agents blowing up international airliners. [ 70 ] Another type of State engagement in panic are the decease squads or personal ground forces s used for unofficial actions taken by province functionaries or lesser ranking members of a government ( such as members of constabulary or intelligence organisations ) against their ain population to quash or intimidate. While these functionaries do non claim the executing of such act ivities, and in fact usually seek to mask their engagement, it is frequently clear that they are moving with province consent. Keeping such activities unofficial permits the governments to keep a degree of plausible deniability and avoids the necessity of altering legal and judicial procedures to warrant subjugation, therefore denying the international community a bridgehead to step in. A farther signifier of province engagement in panic is pro-state panic, which is conducted by groups or individuals with no official standing and without official encouragement. While pro-state panic may ensue in positive results for the governments, their employment of condemnable methods ( normally violent ) and deficiency of official standing in governmental processs can ensue in disclaimer and penalty of the terrorists, depending on the morality of the government in inquiry. State sponsorship of terrorist act State sponsorship of terrorist act, besides referred to as province supported terrorist act, represents a state of affairs when authoritiess provide supplies, preparation, and other signifiers of support to non-state terrorist organisations. One of the most fruitful facets of this support is the providing of safe oasiss for terrorists organisations. [ 71 ] These safe oasiss give the terrorist leading a opportunity to be after, develop and decently fit their overzealous cells. [ 72 ] Another critical service a province patron can supply to terrorist organisati